On Wednesday 28 October 2009 6:46:13 am Thom Brown wrote:
> 2009/10/28 Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz <gryz...@gmail.com>:
> > have you seen that one:
> > http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/database-soup/alpha2-is-out-and-we-need-you-t
> >o-test-it-35032?rss=1 ?
> That's partly why I was asking.  It mentions the areas where the
> changes have occurred, but not necessarily the changes themselves.  An
> example of this is hstore.  There are mentions of improvements and
> issues being eliminated, but these haven't been specified, not even in
> the documentation.  I'm not sure how to test whatever change has gone
> in.  I could open 8.4 and 8.5 documentation for that same page and
> flip between the two until I find a difference, but even if I do that
> and find changes, I doubt that covers what the fixes are.  I'd want
> scenarios that were problematic in 8.4 that are not so in 8.5.
> Entirely new features are easier to deal with though.  I still would,
> however, want something like a detailed version of Josh's post which
> breaks down where the changes have occurred.  It seems quite scattered
> and unclear at the moment.
> Thom


Adrian Klaver

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