The machine is running a moderate load. This is running on a Solaris Zone.

Top is showing:

load averages: 2.49, 4.00, 3.78; up 124 + 12 : 24 : 47 16 :04:21
46 processes: 45 sleeping, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 76.6% idle, 14.6% user, 8.8% kernel, 0.0% iowait, 0.0% swap
Memory: 32G phys mem, 942M free mem, 76G swap, 74G free swap

  5069 postgres   1  52    0  167M   20M sleep    0:04 13.50% postgres
   902 postgres   1   1    0  167M   21M sleep    0:12  6.39% postgres
  5068 postgres   1  59    0  167M   21M sleep    0:01  4.92% postgres
  5070 postgres   1  59    0  166M   20M sleep    0:00  3.72% postgres
 27817 postgres   1  59    0  167M   22M sleep    0:23  1.43% postgres
   903 postgres   1  59    0  157M   11M sleep    0:02  1.14% postgres
 23594 postgres   1  59    0  148M 2096K sleep    0:10  0.11% postgres
  5510 brooks     1  59    0 5624K 2184K cpu      0:00  0.10% top
 23598 postgres   1  59    0 6404K 1680K sleep    0:11  0.10% postgres
 23595 postgres   1  59    0  148M 1852K sleep    0:01  0.01% postgres
 23597 postgres   1  59    0 6220K 1556K sleep    0:00  0.01% postgres
 24870 root      30  39    0 7060K 3332K sleep    7:01  0.00% nscd
   736 brooks     1  59    0 6292K 2060K sleep    0:00  0.00% sshd
 23596 postgres   1  59    0  148M 2024K sleep    0:00  0.00% postgres
 24828 root      13  29    0 9300K 2128K sleep    2:02  0.00%

And vmstat shows:

kthr memory page disk faults cpu r b w swap free re mf pi po fr de sr s0 s1 s2 s3 in sy cs us sy id 0 0 0 74805352 2910024 373 4154 96 7 7 0 0 -0 52 19 19 4561 230770 6889 11 13 76

On 28-Oct-09, at 4:01 PM, Tom Lane wrote:

Brooks Lyrette <> writes:
I'm new to postgres and it seems my server is unable to fork new

LOG:  could not fork new process for connection: Not enough space

For what I suppose is a lightly loaded machine, that is just plain
weird. What's the platform exactly? Is it possible that the postmaster
is being launched under very restrictive ulimit settings?

If it's a Unix-ish machine, it would be useful to look at "top" and
"vmstat" output to see if the machine is under severe memory
pressure for some reason.

                        regards, tom lane

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