I wish the solution was that simple. I rent the zone and that is my
providers cap.
On 2-Nov-09, at 5:21 PM, Scott Marlowe wrote:
On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 1:11 PM, Brooks Lyrette <brooks.lyre...@gmail.com
> wrote:
Thanks for all the help guys.
So this is what I get from all this. My solaris zone will cap me at
900M-1000M RSS memory. Therefore using the math from a pervious
reply I can
only have about 23 connections to my database without maxing out the
machines memory?
This seems a little low, won't postgres start swapping to disk once
available RAM is used up?
pgsql doesn't swap, the OS swaps, when it runs out of memory. Since
pgsql is limited to 1G, the OS has no reason to swap.
Can you simply remove the cap from this instance? It doesn't seem to
be doing anything useful.