I was looking around for ways to find out the creation date of a database or a table, but there doesn't appear to be any functions or available metadata to provide this information. Unless there's a way I haven't seen yet, does anyone see any problem with adding a creationdatetime and modifieddatetime column to catalogs such as pg_database and pg_tables (but also maybe pg_views, pg_language, pg_type etc)? Or should this be stored separately with oids indices with associated datetiimes? I imagine it would be useful, and I've seen this on other RDBMS' (except for modified date and time).
An example of where I was intending to use this a short while ago was to get a list of tables and sort them by date created to review the oldest tables for relevance. Hopefully my suggestion is completely unnecessary and there will already be a way to identify these pieces of information. Thanks Thom