The PGDay.EU 2009 conference in Paris will include a series of
lightning talks on Saturday the 7th November.

This is your chance for five minutes of fame and glory, presenting any
PostgreSQL-related topic you like!

Interested, but not sure what you could speak on? How about:

- A PostgreSQL tool or add-on that you've been hacking on
- The activities of your local PostgreSQL User Group
- How you use PostgreSQL at work or home
- How you manage your PostgreSQL installations
- Why you love PostgreSQL
- Your PostgreSQL pet-peeve

Please send your name, a couple of sentences about yourself and the
title and abstract for your proposed talk to The
closing date for submissions is Sunday 25th October. You will have
five minutes (and not a second more!) to present your talk in English.

For more information about the project, including the talk schedule
and the registration information, please see the website at:

Regards, Dave

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