I have this XML that I don't wish to parse out to tables (BTDT and
don't wish to go there  for the most part).  There might be the
uncommon chance where an XML-friendly operation would be very useful.

On 9/16/09, Scott Bailey <arta...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> I'm looking for the current state of XML capabilities in PostgreSQL and
>> I'm coming up with a lot of confusing links and a bit short on
>> documentation.
> Postgres' XML is still lacking in a few spots. But the core
> functionality is certainly there to do all of the every day stuff.
> The trick with working with XML in the database is to know when to store
> it as XML and when to shred it into relational tables. If its a
> structured document (looks like something you'd open in Word) save it as
> XML. If it looks like something you'd open in Excel then start
> shredding. And it looks like maybe you want to do a tv guide type thing.
>    That is something you'll want to shred to tables.
>> I'm looking for the functionality that I mentioned above that allowed
>> more comprehensive XML operations but I'm just not finding any
>> documentation for it, if it exists.
> What exactly is it you are trying to do but cant?
> Scott

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