Hello, I'm looking for the current state of XML capabilities in PostgreSQL and I'm coming up with a lot of confusing links and a bit short on documentation.
I first read that there used to be an xml2 contrib module for Postgres that provided a lot of functions to read/write and simultaneously validating XML, and searching and returning columns with XML based upon XPath expressions, etc... But I read that the capability was going to be moved into the Postgres baseline (this was 8.3-ish?). Currently, all I've ended up finding is the lone official document page on the XML data type ( http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/datatype-xml.html), XML functions and operators ( http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/interactive/functions-xml.html), and the XML Support Pg wiki page (http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/XML_Support). I just plan on storing already-made XML in a column, then be able to search on it using where clauses with XPath expressions (e.g. select tv_show,xpath('/station/times', xml_data) from table_with_xml where xpath('/name', xml_data)='Captain Kangaroo'). I do understand there is an xpath() function to return data, so that's solved for. I'm looking for the functionality that I mentioned above that allowed more comprehensive XML operations but I'm just not finding any documentation for it, if it exists. I have 8.4.0 now, but can go to .1 if there have been great strides made since .0 was released. If anyone can help me out, I would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Nate