I do not know of any for C++.

That's why I started my own (which is not the one used for the problem I
am having  :- ) )
it works with Pg 8.3+ and VC++ compiler sofar (but support for more
platforms and Dbs will be added in the future).
My Orm is not really an ORM because I did not implement anything that
would 'traverse' object instance
relationships (which is what the ORM in question here is doing).
Instead I just automagically generate SQL code for insert/update/deletes 
for classes that map to tables (one-to-one).

The basic problem is that C++ standards comittee in my view just
sucks... i do not have any better words
for it.  It is because of lack of reflection (ability to identify at
runtime variable names/functions names)
that an ORM, or HTTP session storage/retrival mechanism, JSON/XML
parsers that parse text right into class instances
-- cannot be implemented
Basically the things that are needed to deal with 'Typeless' data at
runtime (such that XML/JSON/Database queries)
and map that data to the C++ object instances.

Which is in the 'high-level view' why C++ is not used for web

Yes there are 'attempts' in that area -- but all are different, require
quite a bit of sophistication
and are not complete (The reflection mechanism I implemented for my
cpporm is not complete either).

If C++ would have supported Reflection -- the there would be
C++_Hibernate, C++_LINQ, C++_json, C++_xml, C++_HTTP, C++_HTTPSession 
and so on... (and no they would have been memory hogs -- thanks to now
standard reference counting in C++ via shared_ptr and good use of

sorry for the rant,
still looking for any bright ideas on optimizing for many small
queries/local db host situations.


On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 14:45 -0400, "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> "V S P" <torea...@fastmail.fm> writes:
> > Well, actually
> > somebody has written a C++ ORM 
> > [ that is causing all your problems and you say you can't discard ]
> Just out of curiosity, does anyone know of any ORM anywhere that doesn't
> suck?  They seem to be uniformly awful, at least in terms of their
> interfaces to SQL databases.  If there were some we could recommend,
> maybe people would be less stuck with these bogus legacy architectures.
>                       regards, tom lane
Vlad P
author of C++  ORM  http://github.com/vladp/CppOrm/tree/master

http://www.fastmail.fm - Faster than the air-speed velocity of an
                          unladen european swallow

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