Well, actually
somebody has written a C++ ORM 
that allows to do things (just a sketch)

class L: CDbCapable
  int prop1;
  int prop2;

class A:  CDbCapable
  QArray<L>   list_of_props_xyz;

int main ()
   A inst1;


   //modifying something



As it is well known C++ lack of Reflection prevents it from having
standardise  Data serialization 
libraries to files or to Databases.

So in-house a mechanism was developed to do the above.  It took some
time and it is not possible to just yank it out.

Of course, internally in the ORM's implementation a somewhat
questionable decision was made that 
to process arrays of 'children' for a given instance would require
separate SQL statements.

That's where the problem comes from, I understand what needs to be done
to redesign the approach/etc.  And that
will take more time than currently is available.

Therefore, I just wanted to ask if there there are some things in Pg
that can I can experiment with
(local client/server communcations via IPC,  reducing the speed of SQL
parses, any other possible tricks)

Thank you  in advance

On Wed, 02 Sep 2009 14:26 -0400, "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> "V S P" <torea...@fastmail.fm> writes:
> > The application typicall goes like this
> > select id, child_tb_key_id, <fields with parms> from tb1
> > then for each selected row above
> >      select from the child table do a select (like the above)
> > and so on -- many levels deep
> Seems like you need to fix your data representation so that this
> operation can be collapsed into one query.  The main problem looks
> to be a bogus decision to have separate child tables rather than
> one big table with an extra key column.
>                       regards, tom lane
Vlad P
author of C++  ORM  http://github.com/vladp/CppOrm/tree/master

http://www.fastmail.fm - mmm... Fastmail...

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