
Wojtek a écrit :
>> It's even more strange :
> why, looks logical to me :)
>> # \dt customers
>>            Liste des relations
>>  Schéma |   Nom   | Type  | Propriétaire
>> --------+---------+-------+--------------
>>  rma    | customers | table | postgres
>> (1 ligne)
> you have 1 'customers' table in 'rma' schema and (my guess) currently
> you're connected as main user for this schema

Yes but why the import.customers table doesn't appear, then ?

>> # \dt import.customers
>>                Liste des relations
>>      Schéma      |   Nom   | Type  | Propriétaire
>> -----------------+---------+-------+--------------
>>  import          | customers | table | postgres
>> (1 ligne)
> you have 1 'customers' table in 'import' schema
>> # \dt *.customers
>>                Liste des relations
>>      Schéma      |   Nom   | Type  | Propriétaire
>> -----------------+---------+-------+--------------
>>  import          | customers | table | postgres
>>  rma             | customers | table | postgres
>> (2 lignes)
> you have two tables 'customers', one in schema 'import', the other one
> in schema 'rma'

Yes that's correct

> I assume you want to keep two copies of this table, right?

Yes, in fact they are two different tables...


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