
It's even more strange :

# \dt customers
           Liste des relations
 Schéma |   Nom   | Type  | Propriétaire
 rma    | customers | table | postgres
(1 ligne)

# \dt import.customers
               Liste des relations
     Schéma      |   Nom   | Type  | Propriétaire
 import          | customers | table | postgres
(1 ligne)

# \dt *.customers
               Liste des relations
     Schéma      |   Nom   | Type  | Propriétaire
 import          | customers | table | postgres
 rma             | customers | table | postgres
(2 lignes)

I really don't understand what's happening here ?


> That's what I found, do you see something inside that looks interesting ?
> # SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'customers';
>  relname | relnamespace | reltype | relowner | relam | relfilenode |
> reltablespace | relpages | reltuples | reltoastrelid | reltoastidxid |
> relhasindex | relisshared | relkind | relnatts | relchecks | reltriggers
> | relukeys | relfkeys | relrefs | relhasoids | relhaspkey | relhasrules
> | relhassubclass |                          relacl
> ---------+--------------+---------+----------+-------+-------------+---------------+----------+-----------+---------------+---------------+-------------+-------------+---------+----------+-----------+-------------+----------+----------+---------+------------+------------+-------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------
>  customers |        17013 |   17022 |       10 |     0 |       17021 |
>            0 |    16202 |     86685 |             0 |             0 | f
>           | f           | r       |        9 |         0 |           0 |
>        0 |        0 |       0 | f          | f          | f           |
> f              | {postgres=arwdRxt/postgres,as400=arwdRxt/postgres}
>  customers |        17055 |   16398 |       10 |     0 |       16397 |
>            0 |     2831 |     80929 |             0 |             0 | t
>           | f           | r       |        9 |         0 |           0 |
>        0 |        0 |       0 | f          | f          | f           |
> f              | {postgres=arwdRxt/postgres,rma_php=r/postgres}
> (2 lignes)
> # SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'customers';
>    schemaname    | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes |
> hasrules | hastriggers
> -----------------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+----------+-------------
>  bw_import_as400 | clients   | postgres   |            | f          | f
>        | f
>  rma             | clients   | postgres   |            | t          | f
>        | f
> (2 lignes)
> Thanks a lot for your help :-)
> Denis
> Wojtek a écrit :
>> hi,
>> You may try checking:
>> SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE relname = 'customers'
>> SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_tables WHERE tablename = 'customers'
>> to what's the status of your table.
>> Regards,
>> foo
>> Denis BUCHER wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Small correction to my previous email :
>>>> I have a strange problem since I moved some tables to a schema, some
>>>> tables are missing from the list (with \d or \dt) but they are still
>>>> present anyway ???!!!!!
>>>> Example :
>>>>> $ psql mybase
>>>>> Bienvenue dans psql 8.1.17, l'interface interactive de PostgreSQL.
>>>>> Saisissez:
>>>>> mybase=#
>>>>> bw_rma=# \dt
>>>>>                         Liste des relations
>>>>>      Schéma      |           Nom            | Type  | Propriétaire
>>>>> -----------------+--------------------------+-------+--------------
>>>>>  import          | rebates_products         | table | postgres
>>>>>  import          | rebates_customers        | table | postgres
>>>>>  rma             | categories               | table | postgres
>>>>>  rma             | customers                | table | postgres
>>>>>  rma             | defauts                  | table | postgres
>>>>>  rma             | providers                | table | postgres
>>>> No trace of my import.customers table ?????
>>>> But if I do :
>>>>> bw_rma=# SELECT count(*) FROM import.customers;
>>>>>  count
>>>>> -------
>>>>>  86703
>>>>> (1 ligne)
>>>> My table is there and I can access it !!!
>>>> Any hint or help would be greatly appreciated !
>>>> I can do without it, but it's a little strange not to be able to list
>>>> the objects present in the database...

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