Is there anyway to tell Postgres "Run these two queries, and union their
results, but don't change the plan as to a UNION - just run them
Something seems funny to me that running a UNION should be twice as slow as
running the two queries one after the other.

On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 8:10 PM, Robert James <>wrote:

> UNION was better, but still 5 times as slow as either query done
> individually.
> set enable_seqscan=off didn't help at all - it was totally ignored
> Is there anything else I can do?
> On Sun, Jul 19, 2009 at 7:47 PM, Tom Lane <> wrote:
>> Robert James <> writes:
>> > Hi.  I notice that when I do a WHERE x, Postgres uses an index, and when
>> I
>> > do WHERE y, it does so as well, but when I do WHERE x OR y, it
>> > doesn't.
>> It can use indexes for OR conditions, but not for arbitrary OR
>> conditions...
>> > select * from dict
>> > where
>> >  word in (select substr('moon', 0, generate_series(3,length('moon'))))
>> --
>> > this is my X above
>> >  OR word like 'moon%' -- this is my Y above
>> ... and that one is pretty arbitrary.  You might have some luck with
>> using a UNION instead, viz
>> select * from dict where X
>> union all
>> select * from dict where Y
>>                        regards, tom lane

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