"Grand, Mark D." <mgr...@emory.edu> writes:

> It turns out that my problem was that the editor I was using (emacs)
> does not properly support utf8 encoding.

Emacs does support utf8 properly.

It could be I'm biased because I use emacs from CVS, which is going to
be emacs23, and is as stable as emacs has always been for me.

>From within emacs, to get a ton of information about char under point,
try C-x = (one line version) or M-x describe-char (full version): <
 Char: < (60, #o74, #x3c) point=1312 of 4162 (31%) <301-4163> column=66

        character: < (60, #o74, #x3c)
preferred charset: ascii (ASCII (ISO646 IRV))
       code point: 0x3C
           syntax: .    which means: punctuation
         category: .:Base, a:ASCII, l:Latin, r:Roman
      buffer code: #x3C
        file code: #x3C (encoded by coding system utf-8-emacs)
          display: by this font (glyph code)
    xft:-bitstream-Bitstream Vera Sans 
Mono-normal-normal-normal-*-16-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1 (#x1F)

But I guess we're off topic now.

HTH, regards,

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