Mark D. Grand wrote:
> I am having a vexing problem with a script I am writing to 
> populate reference tables in a new database. 
> I am running postgreSQL 8.3 with psql 8.3.7.
> Psql reads this SQL statement:
>         VALUES ('Super-User Authorization', 
>                 'This allows a super-user to administer all meta-data.', 
>                 'UserID «Administer» ()');
> and I get this message:
> ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xab
> HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does 
> not match the encoding expected by the server, which is 
> controlled by "client_encoding".
> It is complaining about the '«' character.  I do not 
> understand why.  The database is created the commands
>                 WITH OWNER=meta_auth ENCODING='UTF8';
> ALTER DATABASE mayyou SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
> When I give psql the \encoding command, it replies
>                 UTF8
> Why is it complaining about this valid character code?

The database stores characters in UTF-8, and the client
expects UTF-8 characters, but presumably the characters you
feed into psql are not UTF-8.

If this is some kind of UNIX, it might be instructive to
type 'echo "«" | od -t x1' on the command line.

Also knowing the current locale might help to determine the problem.

Laurenz Albe

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