Vasiliy Vasin wrote:
I have database on production server that backups every day. Database is not 
big ~ 10mb.
But I added several tables that takes big capacity and I don't want to backup 
data from them.

So, I backup my database in two files: schema and data:
pg_dump -s -E utf-8 -f ${filename.schema} -F custom -n public -O -Z 9 -h 
${connection.hostname} -U ${connection.username} ${connection.database}
pg_dump -a -T table1 -T table2-E utf-8 -f ${} -F custom -n public 
-O -Z 9 -h ${connection.hostname} -U ${connection.username} 

Then I tried to restore this backups:
pg_restore -s -d ${connection.database} -h ${connection.hostname} -U 
${connection.username} -O -F custom ${schemaFileName}
pg_restore -a -d ${connection.database} -h ${connection.hostname} -U 
${connection.username} -O -F custom ${dataFileName}

Schema backup restored successfully.

But then I restoring data backup I receiving errors like:
COPY failed: ERROR:  insert or update on table "sometable" violates foreign key 
constraint "bla-blah"

I tried -1 option for pg_restore, it not helps.

I think this is common problem, but I don't found answer in google, only 
questions... :(

What I did is the following:

1. create table 'copy_tables' that will contain all tables that are supposed to be in backup procedure. That table contains those tables in that order which will prevent this errors which occur when You restore tables in order that will make 'foreign-key dependencies'. If table A has foreign key to table B,You should first restore table B and then table A,so foreign-keys that are supposed to be created will have an object to refer to.

2. make a perl/php/bash script that will read table 'copy_tables' and make backup or restore them. Backup is from lowest to biggest ID in that table,while restore is from biggest to lower.

pg_dump/pg_restore does not have any intelligence over foreign-key dependencies between tables.


Dragan Zubac

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