I have database on production server that backups every day. Database is not 
big ~ 10mb.
But I added several tables that takes big capacity and I don't want to backup 
data from them.

So, I backup my database in two files: schema and data:
pg_dump -s -E utf-8 -f ${filename.schema} -F custom -n public -O -Z 9 -h 
${connection.hostname} -U ${connection.username} ${connection.database}
pg_dump -a -T table1 -T table2-E utf-8 -f ${filename.data} -F custom -n public 
-O -Z 9 -h ${connection.hostname} -U ${connection.username} 

Then I tried to restore this backups:
pg_restore -s -d ${connection.database} -h ${connection.hostname} -U 
${connection.username} -O -F custom ${schemaFileName}
pg_restore -a -d ${connection.database} -h ${connection.hostname} -U 
${connection.username} -O -F custom ${dataFileName}

Schema backup restored successfully.

But then I restoring data backup I receiving errors like:
COPY failed: ERROR:  insert or update on table "sometable" violates foreign key 
constraint "bla-blah"

I tried -1 option for pg_restore, it not helps.

I think this is common problem, but I don't found answer in google, only 
questions... :(

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