--- On Tue, 12/5/09, Markus Wollny <markus.wol...@computec.de> wrote:

> From: Markus Wollny <markus.wol...@computec.de>
> Subject: AW: [GENERAL] Could not open file "pg_clog/...."
> To: glynast...@yahoo.co.uk, pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Date: Tuesday, 12 May, 2009, 11:52 AM
> Hi! 
> > -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> > Von: Glyn Astill [mailto:glynast...@yahoo.co.uk] 
> > Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009 12:33
> > An: pgsql-general@postgresql.org; Markus Wollny
> > The first thing I would have done if I've been
> forced to do 
> > that (if there was no other option?) would be a dump /
> > restore directly afterwards, then pick through for any
> > inconsistencies.
> That's a lot of data - somewhere around 43GB at the
> moment. And pg_dump seems to fail altogether on the affected
> databases, so the pg_clog issue actually means that I cannot
> make any current backups.
> > Probably wait for the big-wigs to reply but perhaps a
> reindex 
> > may get you going.
> Tried that, but it also makes PostgreSQL crash, so no luck
> there either. I also dropped template0, recreated it from
> template1, did a VACUUM FREEZE on it, marked it as template
> again and disallowed connections.
> > I'd definately be starting with a fresh database
> once I got 
> > out of the whole though...
> Yes, but that'll be a nightshift and I need some way to
> actually get at a working dump now...

It appears to be failing on the pcaction.article table. Could you get away 
without that? Perhaps, and it'd be a longshot, you'd be able to dump the rest 
of the data with it gone?

I'm going to duck out of this now though, and I think you should probably wait 
until someone a little more knowlegable replies.

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