Greg Smith wrote:

>On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Scott Marlowe wrote:
>> Sadly, there is no exact maths for such things.  If your database has
>> tons of indexes and such, it might be 20 or 100 times bigger on disk
>> than it will be during backup.  If it's all compressible text with few
>> indexes, it might be a 1:1 or so size.
>Since running an entire pgdump can take forever on a big database, what I 
>usually do here is start by running the disk usage query at 

Interesting. However, the query gives an error if the table name contains
upper case characters, like in my case "tblConnections":

ERROR:  relation "public.tblconnections" does not exist.

Replacing all occurences of <relname> by  <'"' || relname || '"'> fixes the


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