On Tue, 31 Mar 2009, Scott Marlowe wrote:

Sadly, there is no exact maths for such things.  If your database has
tons of indexes and such, it might be 20 or 100 times bigger on disk
than it will be during backup.  If it's all compressible text with few
indexes, it might be a 1:1 or so size.

Since running an entire pgdump can take forever on a big database, what I usually do here is start by running the disk usage query at http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Disk_Usage

That lets you better see index vs. table usage. Then, for the bigger tables, I do something like this:

psql -c "COPY (select * from bigtable limit 100000) to stdout" | gzip > 
gzip -l bigtable.gz

That lets you get sample a decent sized chunk of the table to figure out what compression ratio you're likely to get on the data in there. Given all the table sizes and a compression ratio estimate, from there you can make a fairly accurate guess of what the whole dump is going to take up, presuming your data is fairly evenly distributed such that the first records that come back are typical of the whole thing.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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