Joachim Tranvåg wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to install PostgreSQL on Windows Vista 32bit, I have 
> deactivated UAC and the only kind of Firewall I have is Avast Home.

Just so you know, there's rarely any need to deactivate UAC. Just
shift-right-click on installers and choose "Run as administrator".

> During installation, during Activating Procedural Languages I get the error : 
> "Failed to connect to the database. Procedural languages files are installed, 
> but are not activated in any databased. Could not connect to server: 
> (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "" and accepting 
> TCP/IP connections on port 5432?"

I strongly suspect that your firewall will turn out to be the problem.
Consider disabling it or uninstalling it and see if that helps.

Craig Ringer

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