[] On Behalf Of Joachim Tranvåg
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 1:20 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] (0x0000274D/10061) on Install

>Hi, I am trying to install PostgreSQL on Windows Vista 32bit, I have 
>UAC and the only kind of Firewall I have is Avast Home.
>I am installing, have also tried the
>I am installing with everything as standard.
>During installation, during Activating Procedural Languages I get the error :
>"Failed to connect to the database. Procedural languages files are installed, 
>are not activated in any databased. Could not connect to server:
>(0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "" and accepting 
>connections on port 5432?"
>And during Activating contrib modules, error:
>"Failed to connect to the 'template1' database.Contrib files are installed, but
>are not activated in any databased.Could not connect to server:
>(0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host "" and accepting 
>connections on port 5432?"
>Then PostgreSQL get "successfully" installed on my system.
>But when I try to connect the default database or creating a new, it won't
>connect, and gives me the same error (0x0000274D/10061).
>I really don't have a clue, but since it won't install it's most likely 
>to do with my configutation, maybe I have deactivated some necessary services
>Do you have an idea?

What are you using to attach to PostgreSQL?  (e.g. psql.exe ? pgadmin III?  
Something else?)

What does your pg_hba.conf file look like?

I usually change mine so that the local host can attach:


# IPv4 local connections:
host     all     all    trust
# IPv6 local connections:
  host     all     all     ::1/128         trust

When you look at your services, do you see the PostgreSQL service running?

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