On Tuesday 20 January 2009 7:50:58 am Andreas Wenk wrote:
> >
> > Just to point you to Grzegorz's suggestion of using the  -c switch in the
> > pg_dump command. To quote the manual:
> >
> > -c
> > "Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands
> > for) creating them.
> >  This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the
> > archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore. "
> I allready tried -c ... it's not what I need or helps - thanks anyway ;-)

I don't know enough about tsearch, but is plpgsql a dependency? If not could 
use the information here,


to create a database template that has tsearch but not plpgsql and then create 
your demo db using it?

> > Also I am not sure cron sending the email is a bad thing. Serves as
> > indicator that the process ran.
> Yes that's correct ... in a way - but imagine you have 20 cronjobs running
> - do you really want to spam your mailbox with these messages? I think the
> better way is to leave it running and only in case of an error inform me. I
> think this is the common way sysadmins are doing it ...

True but sometimes the error is that nothing happened. I have never found 
the "no news is good news" saying comforting. Making decisions on a negative 
can come back to bite you. My 0.02 cents. 

> Cheers
> Andy

Adrian Klaver

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