On Tuesday 20 January 2009 2:15:08 am Andreas Wenk wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I have an automated mechanism to restore a demo database each night with an
> SQL dump. What I do inbetween a shell script is the following:
> 1. all database access is canceled
> 2. dropdb
> 3. createdb
> 4. import SQL dump: psql -o /dev/null $DB <
> /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/$SQL_DUMP
> The last step is the issue. The shell script is run by an cronjob and if
> one of the steps is failing, the crondaemon sends an E-Mail. The cluster
> allready exists (for sure) and the language plpgsl also. The last point
> (4.) always creates an error (what is clear), allthough the dump is
> imported anyway:
> ERROR:  Language »plpgsql« allready exists
> psql -o /dev/null $DB < /var/lib/postgresql/scripts/$SQL_DUMP ||
>          echo "Der dump konnte nicht eingespielt werden." >&2
> And because the ERROR message is the output, the crondaemon sends an email.
> Question:
> Where can I prevent bulding the language again? My idea was to do that
> while creating the dump or while importing the dump. But as far as I
> understand, that's not possible.
> The dump is created on another server using
> /usr/bin/pg_dump -Ft -t sys_language garfield > sys_language.tar

Could be lack of coffee, but I am somewhat confused. Is this indeed the dump 
file you are restoring? I didn't think you could restore a tar dump with psql. 
Also you are only dumping one table, so I am not sure why the whole db is being 

> Thanks for any advice
> Andy
> --
> Andreas Wenk
> St.Pauli - Hamburg - Germany

Adrian Klaver

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