Alvaro Herrera <> writes:

> Gregory Stark wrote:
>> Alvaro Herrera <> writes:
>> Well cross-posting is especially annoying on subscriber-only moderated lists
>> such as ours. Anyone who follows up to an email who isn't subscribed to all
>> the lists will get bounce warnings for each list they're not on.
> Especially annoying?  You'll get a bounce warning.  That's all.  You
> don't have to do anything about it; just wait for the moderator to
> approve it.  In fact, when I (as the sender) get those, I just delete
> them.

You don't think getting bounces every time you respond to a message is
annoying? I get annoyed whenever a user posts with an address which bounces
and I get *really* annoyed at the similar case when someone's email address
has a broken mailer which bounces to people who post to the mailing list.

>> > (If you want it to be even more pain-free, add a Reply-To:
>> > pgsql-advocacy header or some such.)
>> Yeah, actually that doesn't work.
> Hmm, it doesn't work how?  I admit I haven't tried it, so I'm using this
> message as a test (I added Reply-To:

Well this was a wide followup to your message, which I think failed to do what
you wanted. More dramatically if I had tried to reply personally to you your
Reply-To would redirect the personal message to the list.

  Gregory Stark
  Ask me about EnterpriseDB's On-Demand Production Tuning

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