Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 18:34 -0300, Alvaro Herrera wrote:

> > In the future please do not spam multiple lists with the same message.
> > Or rather, if you want the message to appear in more than one list,
> > please CC them all in a single message instead of sending one message to
> > each.
> If we do that, we get cross posting. That is why I didn't.

Cross posting is not necessarily bad; in fact it's regarded to be less
annoying than multiposting, which is what you did.  For argumentation,
see here

(If you want it to be even more pain-free, add a Reply-To:
pgsql-advocacy header or some such.)

Alvaro Herrera                      
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

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