Andreas Kraftl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> CREATE INDEX idx ON table USING gin(
> to_tsvector(
>       case 
>               when a = 'de' then 'german'
>               when a = 'en' then 'english'
>               else 'english'
>       end
> ), b);

> This doesn't work. Error Message in german:
> FEHLER: Zugriffsmethode »gin« unterstützt keine mehrspaltigen Indexe
> SQL state: 0A000
> means, gin doesn't accept multicolumn indexes.

You've got the parentheses in the wrong place.

The way I'd suggest doing this is

regression=# create table tab (a regconfig, b text);
regression=# create index idx on tab using gin(to_tsvector(a,b));
regression=# explain select * from tab where to_tsvector(a,b) @@ 
                           QUERY PLAN                           
 Index Scan using idx on tab  (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=36)
   Index Cond: (to_tsvector(a, b) @@ '''foo'''::tsquery)
(2 rows)

If you want to use abbreviations like 'en' and 'de', create text search
configurations named that way instead of inserting a run-time

                        regards, tom lane

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