On Sat, 08 Nov 2008 09:44:17 +0100
Andreas Kraftl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello again,

> my previous post wasn't answered. I think i told my question
> wrong :-).
> I have a table like
> a    | b
> --------------------
> 'de' | Hallo welt
> 'en' | Hello world
> How can I create a full text index over b?
> CREATE INDEX idx ON table USING gin(
> to_tsvector(
>       case 
>               when a = 'de' then 'german'
>               when a = 'en' then 'english'
>               else 'english'
>       end
> ), b);
> This doesn't work. Error Message in german:
> FEHLER: Zugriffsmethode »gin« unterstützt keine mehrspaltigen
> Indexe SQL state: 0A000
> means, gin doesn't accept multicolumn indexes.
> Any ideas?

Multicolumn indexes should get into 8.4.

You may add a column tsvector and compute it with a trigger that
chose the correct language when generating the tsvector.
Then you'll have to pick up the correct language when you generate
the tsquery in your search.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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