Thanks a lot for replying! Here is complete information for consideration: In order to perform replication. I am following the steps present in and successfully reached to step # 13. I have Slony-I pgAdmin-III included in postgresql-8.2 and the platform is WindowsXp. But here I am not getting the "NewSubscription" option when do right click on Subscription Set. I also worked and found that the command in step # 4 >psql -U postgres slave1 < schema.sql is not working because I am not getting the tables in either slave. So, I suppose I have to run the command in step # 2 > pgbench -i -U postgres master for slave1 and slave2 instead of making sql script and running it. I am going to restart my work in this way. Glyn Astill you may explore slonik in detail that I may use it now. So many Thanks Again.