On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 6:31 AM, Phoenix Kiula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/26/08, Tomasz Ostrowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  I think nobody would guide you step by step. Either read documentation
>>  and do it yourself or hire an expert:
> Thanks. I suppose that spirit is quite evident in the documentation.
> Why make it easy or easily understandable when you can win fanatical
> fans by requiring them to invest months of their time!

Christ, remind to do you no favors.  I'm sure if I had written a step
by step guide and one part of it didn't work you'd be right back here
threatening to sue me or something.

Look, it's a comlex subject, and you need to have a pretty good clue
what you're doing so if something goes wrong you're not making a big
mistake and losing all your data.  And you can stop with the
histrionics.  It took me less than one weekend to install and test
slony for migration / backup at work.

Remember, for every problem, there is a simple, elegant, easy
solution.  Which is wrong.

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