On 8/26/08, Phoenix Kiula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/26/08, Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  >  Slony replication lets postgresql accomplish this, which is really
>  >  quite impressive.  We just upgraded from an 8.1 server to an 8.3
>  >  server via slony, and it went smooth as silk.  db downtime was
>  >  measured in seconds.
> Thanks for this Scott. Sounds promising. But where can I find the
>  instructions to install Slony, then install new PG 8.3.3, then start
>  it with similar CONF settings and stuff, then setup the master and
>  slave (which I am not familiar with), and then switch master and slave
>  when everything is working?
>  To others who keep telling us that "PG is complex and if you want it
>  to be less so then contribute" -- well, sorry I am not that technical.
>  If the intended target audience of PG is only super-techsavvy folk who
>  can write C++ patches for every little functionality they need, then
>  perhaps I chose the wrong DB? I doubt it.
>  It would be really nice if the PG official community can have some
>  simple instructions to make a seamless upgrade, if no simpler patches
>  exist. At the very least the instructions will help us plentiful folk
>  who do NOT use PG in the exalted "enterprise" setting, but to run busy
>  websites. This is how MySQL became big too, by being convenient and
>  reliable (until recently anyway), but I see no point in that
>  discussion.
>  Anyhow, it would be really nice to have simple instructions. Searching
>  on Google for words like "Slony Postgresql upgrade" or "install slony
>  with postgresql 8.3" returns stuff that makes a lot of presumptions!
>  I have a CentOS 4 with Cpanel/WHM running. PG is in the usual place:
>   > whereis pgsql
>  pgsql: /usr/lib/pgsql /usr/include/pgsql /usr/share/pgsq
>  Now how can I install Slony so that it install PGSQL and allows me to
>  continue working with Apache/PHP for my website? I am reading this --
>  http://slony.info/documentation/installation.html -- but while it
>  textually mentions the stuff in the writeup, I don't see full
>  instructions to install Slony, then new PGSQL, then switching, and so
>  on.
>  So many thanks for any help anyone can provide! Or point me to some
>  resource that exists but is hiding from Google.

See, this is where I get confused. I want to upgrade from 8.2.3 to
8.3.3. The recommendation is to try Slony. So I download Slony and try
to configure it. The configure command gives me this:

checking for correct version of PostgreSQL... "error"
configure: error: Your version of PostgreSQL (8.2) is lower
            than the required 8.3.  Slony-I needs functionality included in
            a newer  version.

Well, if Slony needs a newer version, then how can it be used to upgrade?!

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