Thanks to everyone who responded to this thread; although I have not
gotten a complete solution I have learned a lot about how rules and
triggers work.  One particular question that is still unanswered:

On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 9:49 PM, Michael Shulman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Postgres manual:
> says "a trigger that is fired on INSERT on a view can do the same as
> a rule: put the data somewhere else and suppress the insert in the
> view."  So what do I need to do to make an INSERT trigger on a view?

This quote from the manual implies to me that it is possible to make a
trigger fire on INSERT on a view.  But postgres won't let me do this,
and some things I've read elsewhere on the Internet imply that it is
impossible.  Is the manual wrong?  Or am I reading it wrong?  Or is it
possible to make a trigger fire on INSERT on a view?


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