I guess you get duplicate value error because you have previously inserted ID column with your own values. Check the sequence page_input_id_seq if it points to the right next value. If not - correct it to a MAX(ID) +1

Julius Tuskenis

Stefan Schwarzer rašė:
It doesn't work like this:

INSERT INTO page_input (id, page, text_en, text_fr, text_es, text_ar) VALUES (NULL, '', '', '', '', '')

    --> ERROR: null value in column "id" violates not-null constraint

nor like this:

INSERT INTO page_input (page, text_en, text_fr, text_es, text_ar) VALUES ('', '', '', '', '')

    --> ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "id_unique"

nor like this:

INSERT INTO page_input (id, page, text_en, text_fr, text_es, text_ar) VALUES (nextval('page_input_id_seq'::regclass), '', '', '', '', '') --> ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "id_unique"

On Jun 16, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Julius Tuskenis wrote:

Hi, Stefan.

your second example should work for you.
INSERT INTO table_xx (field2, field3, field4) VALUES ('', '', ''); (keeping in mind, that your ID column is of type serial or has DEFAULT NEXTVAL('some_sequence') ).
You can also insert values yourself:
INSERT INTO table_xx (ID, field2, field3, field4) VALUES (NEXTVAL('some_sequence'), '', '', '');

Julius Tuskenis

Stefan Schwarzer rašė:

rahter dump question, I guess....

But I have a table with a sequential index field, into which I would like to add from time to time another line (via webbrowser), which in turn, stays first empty, before it's being filled in later (via webbrowser).

Because the ID field is sequential and indexed, I can't use

INSERT INTO table_xx (ID, field2, field3, field4) VALUES ('', '', '', '');

neither (skipping ID because it should be filled in automatically):

   INSERT INTO table_xx (field2, field3, field4) VALUES ('', '', '');

How am I supposed to do it?

Thanks for any hints,


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