am  Mon, dem 16.06.2008, um  8:33:27 +0200 mailte Stefan Schwarzer folgendes:
> Hi,
> rahter dump question, I guess....
> But I have a table with a sequential index field, into which I would  
> like to add from time to time another line (via webbrowser), which in  
> turn, stays first empty, before it's being filled in later (via  
> webbrowser).
> Because the ID field is sequential and indexed, I can't use
>       INSERT INTO table_xx (ID, field2, field3, field4) VALUES ('', '', 
>       '',  '');
> neither (skipping ID because it should be filled in automatically):
>       INSERT INTO table_xx (field2, field3, field4) VALUES ('', '', '');

insert into table_xx (id, field2, ...) values (NULL, ...)

Andreas Kretschmer
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