Hi Valentine,

a little experimentation indicates that an aggregate function can solve my problem, using an int[] array as the state variable to encode the computed tuples of the result table so far and then using a costum function to decode the final returned array from the aggregate into the table I'm looking for.

I'm afraid though that the SQL aggregate semantics (like having to use GROUP BY and so on) will get in my way.

I'l let you know,

Am 29.04.2008 um 10:30 schrieb valgog:
It looks like you need an aggregate function... but aggregate would
work in case, you want to return a RECORD and not a SETOF RECORD.

In this case, you probably need to operate with arrays. Are you on
8.3? If yes, you would be able to pass an array of type to your

You can accumulate your type-array with array_accum(anyelement)
aggregate (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/xaggr.html)...
but I am not sure about the memory consumption in case of large arrays
being passed to the function.

If you are in the 8.2, you can still convert any type to text, and
deconvert in the function: textin(point_out('(1,1)'::point))

With best regards,

-- Valentine

On Apr 28, 11:52 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Viktor
Rosenfeld) wrote:
Hi Jon,

Am 28.04.2008 um 19:23 schrieb Roberts, Jon:

What does the signature of graphovertokens look like?  Three
and it doesn't return a setof?

This is my problem.  The return type is setof something (doesn't
really matter), but I don't know what to put into the argument list.

Any ideas?


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