
is there a way to pass a temporary result table with more than column to a stored procedure?

Specifically, I would like to run a variation of this query:

                        SELECT 1 AS min, 10 AS max, 2 AS text_ref
                        UNTION SELECT 20 AS min, 30 AS max, 3 AS text_ref
                ) AS boundaries
                JOIN struct ON (struct.text_ref = boundaries.text_ref)
                JOIN rank ON (rank.struct_ref = struct.id)
        ) AS graph

I see two problems:

a) I get an error message "subquery must return only one column" when I pass a table with more than one column as an argument to my function

b) I would have to create a complex data type of the same schema as my argument table (a join of boundaries, struct, graph). This is not a problem in the example above, however I would like to use a similar function in queries where the schema of the input relation is not fixed.


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