While I thank you for your time in reading and responding, <minor rant
follows> This world is not ideal at any level, be it the lack of financial
equity, the petty prejudices that permeate societies on a whole, increasing
gas and food prices worldwide (I've officially parked my car and am taking
the bus until gas goes down.....as if that is going to happen), the apparent
negligence of the atrocities in and around Sudan which continue to be
ignored by world powers and the fact that last night I was terrorized by
mosquitoes because my mosquito repellent is depleted.  Data and databases
are by no means exempt. One does not always have the luxury of designing a
schema from scratch. Some people, myself included, do not use databases in
the traditional fashion (traditional being part of a application of some
type). That being said, I would appreciate that any further questions I have
not be responded to by single line emails extolling the virtues of properly
designed schemata, normalization or the like.</minor rant precedes>

Yeah, I would have loved to have been able to have a schema to rethink, in
fact i just got some data and need to extract some similar values in a
column, but thanks for your time!!


Peace & Love| Live Long & Prosper

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:37 PM, Scott Marlowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'd say you need to rethink your schema.
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 12:11 PM, Rhys Stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > have the following table
> >
> > aid    | bid
> > --------------
> > 1    |5
> > 2    |6
> > 3    |7
> > 4    |9
> > 5    |1
> > 6    |2
> > 7    |3
> > 8    |10
> > 9    |4
> > 10  |8
> > both aid & bid represent the same data in another table, but the table
> has
> > duplicate data and i did a self-join to get the id's out. The question is
> > how do i get a distinct listing between both columns
> >
> > like
> > aid | bid
> > -----------
> > 1|5
> > 2|6
> > 3|7
> > 4|9
> > 10|8
> >
> > Have been racking my brain for the past hour....any suggestions?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Rhys
> >

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