You really don't have duplicate data and you should redesign your table structure. However, here is a way to do it.
create table ugly (aid integer, bid integer); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (1,5); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (2,6); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (3,7); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (4,9); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (5,1); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (6,2); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (7,3); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (8,10); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (9,4); insert into ugly (aid, bid) values (10,8); create or replace function fn_ugly() returns setof ugly as $$ declare v_rec ugly; v_rec2 ugly; begin create temporary table temp_ugly (aid integer, bid integer) on commit drop; for v_rec in select * from ugly loop if not exists (select null from temp_ugly where v_rec.aid = bid and = aid) then insert into temp_ugly values (v_rec.aid,; end if; end loop; for v_rec2 in select * from temp_ugly loop return next v_rec2; end loop; end; $$ language 'plpgsql'; select * from fn_ugly(); Jon ________________________________________ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rhys Stewart Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:12 PM To: Subject: [GENERAL] query question really cant give a summary here so read the body ;-) Hi all, have the following table aid | bid -------------- 1 |5 2 |6 3 |7 4 |9 5 |1 6 |2 7 |3 8 |10 9 |4 10 |8 both aid & bid represent the same data in another table, but the table has duplicate data and i did a self-join to get the id's out. The question is how do i get a distinct listing between both columns like aid | bid ----------- 1|5 2|6 3|7 4|9 10|8 Have been racking my brain for the past hour....any suggestions? Thanks Rhys -- Sent via pgsql-general mailing list ( To make changes to your subscription: