On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:04 AM, Alvaro Herrera
> > How can I make a Update of a column in a very large table for all rows
>  > without using the double amount of disc space and without any need for
>  > atomic operation?
>  >
>  > I have a very large table with about 60 million rows. I sometimes need
>  > to do a simple update to ALL rows that resets a status-flag to zero.
>  Perhaps you should rethink your data model.

for example:
*) change status-flag to a timestamp
*) make a new table (status_reset or something) with one column, one row...and
*) make a view (perhaps swapping names with your original table) that
joins the two tables and preserves the 1/0 status flag column
appearance so you don't have to change the app.

Consider the fundamental tenet: 'If PostgreSQL can't do it well, you
are probably doing it the wrong way' :-)


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