am  Mon, dem 21.04.2008, um  0:19:34 +0200 mailte [EMAIL PROTECTED] folgendes:
> Hi!
> How can I make a Update of a column in a very large table for all rows 
> without using the double amount of disc space and without any need for atomic 
> operation?
> I have a very large table with about 60 million rows. I sometimes need to do 
> a simple update to ALL rows that resets a status-flag to zero.
> I don't need to have transactional integrity (but of course if the system 
> crashes, there should be no data corruption. A separate flag in the file 
> system can well save the fact that that bulk update was in progress) for 
> this, I don't care or want a abort or "all or nothing" like SQL mandates. The 
> idea is basically that either this update succeeds or it succeeds or - there 
> is no "not". It must succeed. It must be tried until it works. If the update 
> is halfway finished, that's okay.
> If I just do an 
> UPDATE table SET flag=0;
> then Pg will make a copy of every row which must be cleaned up by vaccuum. I 
> understand - and don't like during this specific problem - that PG is a MVCC 
> database and will keep my old versions of the rows before the update alive. 
> This is very bad.
> If I do a batched loop like this:
> UPDATE table SET flag=0 where id>=0 and id <200;
> UPDATE table SET flag=0 where id>=200 and id <400;
> UPDATE table SET flag=0 where id>=400 and id <600;

Don't forget to VACUUM after every Update...

> Is there any other way to go?

Update to 8.3 and profit from the new HOT feature (wild guess: there is
no index on this flag-column)

Andreas Kretschmer
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