On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 05:29:09PM +0200, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> > Perhaps I confuse this with some limitation of a previous
> > implementation of the enum type. Also perhaps I was
> > misguided into thinking tags cannot be modified by the
> > "don't delete from table of tags" part.
> Oh, it means that if you DROP the type it will leave some stuff behind.
> You can ofcourse handle *value* of that type just like any other value.
> The 'tag table' in this case would be the list of timezones. I'll see
> if I can clarify it.
That'd help, thanks.

> > Agree. Another one is non-indexability which I'd truly need.
> Well, you can index them ofcourse, but you need to indicate explicitly
> what you want to index: the timestamp or the timestamp shifted to the
> timezone.
Oh, OK.

> I felt the module couldn't make this decision on its own.
True enough.

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