On Friday 04 April 2008 15:01, Craig Ringer wrote:
> Terry Lee Tucker wrote:
> > Greetings:
> >
> > I am converting our application from 7.4.19 to 8.3.1. In the old scheme
> > of things, I was generating an interval between two timestamps and
> > evaluating the interval string in another set of trigger code. I was
> > doing the following:
> > IF new.ontime IS NOT NULL AND new.ontime ~* 'ago' THEN
> If I understand your question correctly, you're seeking to determine if
> new.ontime is "in the past". If so, compare with current_timestamp /
> current_date as appropriate, eg:
> IF new.ontime IS NOT NULL AND new.ontime < current_timestamp THEN
> (Note that current_timestamp and current_date are constant within a
> transaction, so they might not be suitable if you have really long
> running transactions).
> --
> Craig Ringer


Thanks for the response. I have failed to communicate the problem. The ontime 
value is calculated based on the arrival time versus the appointment time; 
therefore the current timestamp is not helpful. I don't have the appointment 
data in this trigger and thus I can't do a comparison there unless I go find 
the appointment data, which I could do, but was trying to prevent the 
overhead. My question is: Is there a way to look directly at the timestamp 
value and determine if it was "ago", that is, negative?

Terry Lee Tucker
Turbo's IT Manager
Turbo, division of Ozburn-Hessey Logistics
2251 Jesse Jewell Pkwy NE
Gainesville, GA 30501
Tel: (336) 372-6812  Fax: (336) 372-6812  Cell: (336) 404-6987

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