Terry Lee Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am converting our application from 7.4.19 to 8.3.1. In the old scheme of 
> things, I was generating an interval between two timestamps and evaluating 
> the interval string in another set of trigger code. I was doing the 
> following:
> IF new.ontime IS NOT NULL AND new.ontime ~* 'ago' THEN
> With the new casting rules, this doesn't work.

Well, you could force it to work by casting new.ontime to text
explicitly, but this is a pretty horrid way of testing for a negative
interval anyhow.  I'd be inclined to do something like
        new.ontime < '0 seconds'

BTW, the IS NOT NULL test is redundant too, since the comparison
can't succeed for a null.

                        regards, tom lane

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