"Gauthier, Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Woops, sorry....
> mmdcc228> more global/pg_database
> "postgres" 10819 1663 524
> "template1" 1 1663 524
> "template0" 10818 1663 524
> "cells_dev" 823888 1663 524
> "stdb2" 19810 1663 524
> "stdb" 597974 1663 524
> "stdb_standby" 19882 1663 524
> "cells" 16384 1663 524

> mmdcc228> ls base/
> 1  10818  10819  16384  16460  19810  19882  597974  823888

Huh.  That matches up with the OID shown in pg_database, so it's
sure not clear what the problem is.

Could you grab a copy of the appropriate version of pg_filedump from
and dump out pg_database with it?  The best results would be from
        pg_filedump -i -f $PGDATA/global/1262

                        regards, tom lane

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