"Gauthier, Dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
After running intoa problem last week where I cannot rename an
DB because it's reported to not exist (I can attach to it and query
but rename gives... "database foo does not exist"),

Would you show the results of

select oid,ctid,xmin,xmax,datname from pg_database

as well as the contents of $PGDATA/global/pg_database and a directory
listing of $PGDATA/base?

                        regards, tom lane
On Mar 17, 2008, at 10:45 AM, Gauthier, Dave wrote:

stdb=# select oid,ctid,xmin,xmax,datname from pg_database
stdb-# ;
 oid   |  ctid  |  xmin   | xmax |   datname
 10819 | (0,1)  |     592 |    0 | postgres
     1 | (0,6)  |     585 |    0 | template1
 10818 | (0,7)  |     586 |    0 | template0
823888 | (0,13) |  761678 |    0 | cells_dev
 19810 | (0,49) |  497579 |    0 | stdb2
597974 | (3,2)  | 2346578 |    0 | stdb
 19882 | (3,3)  | 2346580 |    0 | stdb_standby
 16384 | (3,4)  | 2364457 |    0 | cells
(8 rows)

mmdcc228> dropdb stdb
ERROR:  database "stdb" does not exist

dropdb: database removal failed: ERROR: database "stdb" does not exist

You left out the directory listings Tom asked for.

Erik Jones

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