Enrico wrote:
Hi all,
I have this piece of code

  minv my_inv;
  r record;
  totale numeric(20,5);
  valore numeric(20,5);


  totale := 0;
for r in select * from tminv loop [.........]
        valore := r.prezzo*r.giacenza;
        totale := totale+valore;
        minv.totale = totale;
        return next minv;
  end loop;
return; [......]

So the first record has valore=98 and totale=0 for the first time of
the loop, but my first result of totale is -298 instead of +98.

minv.totale := totale;

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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