On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 11:51:01 -0500 Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Enrico <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > > the first record has valore=98 and totale=0 for the first time of > > the loop, but my first result of totale is -298 instead of +98. > > Hmm, that's a bit hard to believe. Yes you right, it's hard to believe for me too :) > Could we see the whole example > not just a fragment? This is my code : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE TYPE my_inv AS (codice_art character(15), codice_agg character(20), descr character varying(60), gruppo smallint, giacenza numeric(20,5), prezzo_lis numeric(20,5), prezzo numeric(20,5), valore numeric(20,5), totale numeric (20,5)); ALTER TYPE my_inv OWNER TO postgres; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calcolo_inventario(bpchar, date, bpchar) RETURNS SETOF my_inv AS $BODY$ DECLARE minv my_inv; r record; flag int4; tot numeric(20,5); valore numeric(20,5); BEGIN create temp table tminv ( codice_art char(13), codice_agg char(20), descr char(60), gruppo int4, giacenza numeric(20,5), prezzo_lis numeric(20,5), prezzo numeric(20,5) ); insert into tminv (codice_art,descr,gruppo,giacenza,prezzo_lis,prezzo) select distinct S.codice_art, A.descr,A.gruppo,A.giacenza,L.prezzo as prezzo_lis,avg(S.importo) as prezzo from scrittura_magazzino S inner join anag_art A on (S.codice_art=A.codice_art) left join ean13 E on (S.codice_art=E.codice_art) inner join listini L on (s.codice_art=L.codice_art) where S.c_s='C' and L.listino = $1 and data_doc <= $2 group by 1,2,3,4,5; update tminv set codice_agg = CA.codice_agg from codici_aggiuntivi CA where tminv.codice_art = CA.codice_art and CA.tipo_cod = $3; tot := 0; for r in select * from tminv loop minv.codice_art := r.codice_art; minv.codice_agg := r.codice_agg; minv.descr := r.descr; minv.gruppo := r.gruppo; minv.giacenza := r.giacenza; minv.prezzo_lis := r.prezzo_lis; minv.prezzo := r.prezzo; valore := r.prezzo*r.giacenza; minv.valore := valore; tot := tot+valore; minv.totale := tot; return next minv; end loop; return; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' VOLATILE; ----------------------------------------------------------------------- There is then another question if I write [....] for r in select * from tminv loop tot := 0; [....] the result is correct, but if I want to sum the results with [........] tot := 0; for r in select * from tminv loop [........] the result is not correct Thanks for your time :) Enrico -- One small feel for man, one giant ass for mankind (Dr. Gregory House) Enrico Pirozzi Web: http://www.enricopirozzi.info E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Skype: sscotty71 ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster