Tino Wildenhain wrote:
Hi Howard,
Howard Wilkinson wrote:
I am working on some upgrades to the MyDNS open source product. I
have some expertise in MySQL but am not overly familiar with
PostgreSQL and need some guidance on how to query the schema for the
maximum size of data a column can hold.
In MySQL I can do either: a "DESCRIBE" command or do "SELECT COLUMNS"
command. And then parse the result for the length in the type column
of the row returned. How would I do a similar function using
PostgreSQL - I have tried to find this in the manuals and in this
mailing list but not found any pointers to get me started.
Apologies for asking such a simple question but I am being a bit lazy
as I want to get on with releasing the MyDNS code.
beside the correct answers you got relating the informational_schema,
since I do not know what MyDNS is and what you are doing with the
maximum size of the column, are you aware that postgresql bails out
if you put in a string which exceeds the column size (so you can just
try rather then check beforehand if thats what you do) or you also
get the description in the cursor when you do the select on a table.
Also, text type could be used to hold potentially large strings without
harm (so if the string is short, its no difference but you can easily go
up to over a gig)
The package is a DNS server originally hosted on top of a MySQL data
base. I am extending it in a number of ways, but this particular need
arises as I need to store some data (binary in nature) in a field that
is part of the key for an index. The data is < 65536 in length. However,
most of the time it is <<<<<<65536 e.g. 4 bytes. I also need to support
backwards compatibility with the previous releases which had limited
storage capacity in this field.
I have therefore chosen to detect when the field overflows the maximum
storage capacity for the 'data' column and split the data into 'data'
(truncated) and 'edata' (the rest). As I do not know what size the
'data' field is I needed to detect it dynamically and do the split
before storing the data/edata. I have defined a further column
'edatakey' which takes an MD5 has of 'edata' when present and is
included in the index on the table.
It all seems to be working on MySQL 5.0.46 - have not tested the MD5
code yet - and I hope will with PostgreSQL when somebody tries it.
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