am  Thu, dem 21.02.2008, um 10:44:32 +0000 mailte Howard Wilkinson folgendes:
> I am working on some upgrades to the MyDNS open source product. I have 
> some expertise in MySQL but am not overly familiar with PostgreSQL and 
> need some guidance on how to query the schema for the maximum size of 
> data a column can hold.
> In MySQL I can do either: a "DESCRIBE" command or do "SELECT COLUMNS" 
> command. And then parse the result for the length in the type column of 
> the row returned. How would I do a similar function using PostgreSQL - I 
> have tried to find this in the manuals and in this mailing list but not 
> found any pointers to get me started.

Andreas Kretschmer
Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header)
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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