On Feb 11, 2008, at 9:37 AM, Mario Lopez wrote:
Hi guys :-), I am working on a personal project in which I am
trying to make sense on a huge (at least for me) amount of data. I
have approximately 150 million rows of unique words (they are not
exactly words it is just for explaining the situation).
The table I am inserting this is a quite simple table, something
like this:
CREATE TABLE "public"."names" (
"id" SERIAL,
"name" VARCHAR(255)
It is a requirement that I can make searches on the varchar with
queries that look the following way:
SELECT * FROM names WHERE name LIKE ‘keyword%’
SELECT * FROM names WHERE name LIKE ‘%keyword%’
I optimized the first type of queries making partitions with every
letter that a name can begin with:
CREATE TABLE "public"."names_a" (
CONSTRAINT "names_a_check" CHECK (("name")::text ~~ 'a%'::text)
) INHERITS ("public"."names")
The problem arises with the second type of queries, where there are
no possible partitions and that the search keywords are not known,
I have tried making indexes on the letter it ends with, or indexes
that specify that it contains the letter specified but none of them
work the planifier only make sequential scans over the table.
For the moment the quickest scan I have being able to make is using
grep!!, surprisingly enough grep searches on an average of 20
seconds a whole plain text file of 2 GB one name per line and
PostgreSQL on the fist type of queries takes like 50 seconds while
the second type of queries con take up to two minutes which is
completely unacceptable for an online search engine that has to
attend a user querying this information.
How does this big search engines let’s say Google make this up? I
am amazed of the quickness on searching this amount of information
in so little time. Any approach I could take? I am open minded so
anything is acceptable not necessarily only PostgreSQL based
solutions (although I would prefer it). By the way Textual Search
in PostgreSQL is discarded because what I am looking at are not
names that can be decomposed on lexems, let's say that this varchar
is composed of random garbage.
Actually, a friend of mine actually did exactly what you've tried:
grep. He had a cron job that would update the txt file from the
table's data every five minutes and then his app would shell out to
run those kinds of queries. Of course, with a setup like that your
results can be a little out of date (the period between runs of the
cron job) but, if you can deal with that, that's actually a pretty
simple solution that doesn't take too much setup.
Erik Jones
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