Mario Lopez wrote:
Hi guys :-), I am working on a personal project in which I am trying to make sense on a huge (at least for me) amount of data. I have approximately 150 million rows of unique words (they are not exactly words it is just for explaining the situation).

The table I am inserting this is a quite simple table, something like this:

CREATE TABLE "public"."names" (
"id" SERIAL,
"name" VARCHAR(255)

It is a requirement that I can make searches on the varchar with queries that look the following way:

SELECT * FROM names WHERE name LIKE ‘keyword%’
SELECT * FROM names WHERE name LIKE ‘%keyword%’

I optimized the first type of queries making partitions with every letter that a name can begin with:

AFAIK, you only need to add an index on "name" to be able to speed up the first kind of queries. Have a look at B-Tree description in [1].

 - Jonathan

[1] :

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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